Sunday, April 15, 2007

I'm pro at procrastinating

I don't really feel like writing at the moment. (What do I call this blog though?)
A-hahaha... IRL, I'm preparing for an art show, so things are a bit hectic for me. I'm running around, getting things framed, getting photos reprinted and a whole slew of work. It's tiring.

I had a story idea hit me this morning when I woke up. But let's see how much determination I have when it comes to writing it down. I promised myself I'd finish Fallen before moving to my other stories... and there's A LOT of them.

One of the ideas was about a man, who has entered so many relationships, but happily lets the woman go each time when they find someone else to love. He likes to pride himself that he is sort of a "trainer" for women, to guide them as to prep them for what's out there in the world, what men want, how they can control them, etc. But that's just it. he never enters any relationship expecting to keep the person.

Now, with that in mind, how do I fit that into the DIablo 2 world? The obvious one being an apprentice. I did an apprentice story a long time ago. I hated it. It was badly done, it was silly, it was a one-shot deal.

Still... Yuck. It was written early while I was still learning, so it's pretty bad.

Moving on... do I want this person to be happy in the end? Should he find someone? Should he take a woman to train that he realizes he doesn't want to change, but she ends up changing and leaving him? I read once before that men enter marriage hoping their woman won't change while women enter a marriage hoping that the man will. So in this relationship, should she change, or does he have such difficulties moulding her into the women that has left him before that it affects him?

I'm used to writing happy stories, even though I know the real world isn't like that. Maybe that's why it's fiction...

Anyways, I'll mull over this some more while I'm writing Fallen. I think there's about 4 or so chapters to go. I'm only starting to work on finding the clues behind the mystery and problems.


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