Saturday, April 21, 2007

Celebratory BLARGH!

New chapter of Fallen is now up, all that remains is one chapter... unless I decide I want to extend the story more... which I can if I feel like being kind to Valerius, but, we'll see.

Do I want Diemma to die? Yes and no.

For yes, the reasons would be to be a bitter-sweet ending and I've never written a story yet where it ends in failure. It would be different, it might be better, we'll see.

For no, I don't like sad or bitter-sweet endings sometimes. Life is like that a lot so is it really neccessary that fiction be that way as well?

Also, I had my final thesis critique last night. It's safe to say that I'll be getting my degree in two months. :) So long as I don't fail my final exam in cultural anthrpology. v_v; I haven't really been studying it at all.

Well, wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have the final chapter (or more than that depending on what ending I choose) up by the first week of May.

Also, it's really depressing when you look at how lazy people are when it comes to reviewing, let alone rating.

Fallen technically only has 1 rating because I passed the URL to a girlfriend who rated it after reading as her way of rooting for me. But, she hated apprenticeship, so she gave it only 3.

So.... Fallen has 1 rating, Apprenticeship has 0 ratings, yet Fallen has 100+ readings. Compare that to my very first story published in 2005, it has 9 ratings, 6 reviews, and almost 6000 hits. I try to make it a point to rate every store I read, and review the ones that have some need of constructive criticisms or obvious praise beyond "Yeah! Good story!"

But, everyone has their own rating/review reasons. Not rating is what I consider to be a contribution to laziness since all it takes is pulling a menu bar down, selecting your rating and hitting the button to submit it. Not that difficult, but then again, not littering isn't difficult at all, and last I checked the streets outside are still rampant with discarded cups, chewing gum and chocolate bar wrappers.

Sad really, but hey, support the authors you read ( and I'm not just talking about me ) because they too could feel one day that no one really gives a damn about the stories they write and just give up. I know I've gone into a 3 month.... even a 3 year hiatus because of it.

Also support the writers you think that are lacking the technical skill or development, etc. With just the right push and useful criticism, they could get better.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Why am I still up?

Bleh, two hours ago I was about to sleep and now I've caught my second wind and am fully awake. I hate that. I'm almost finished writing chapter 6, but I've decided to put it on hold to finish some other things RL that need my attention. (Some deadlines are coming and that makes me kind of nervous since I'm not entirely ready.)

My boyfriend will be in town next week. We haven't seen each other in two months, and I'm just happy as a clam to have him around again. This mean I get laid again... ahahahaaa! By the power of grey skull!!!—In his pants.

::cough:: You read nothing! (In his pants.)

I need to promote a MUD now. Achaea.... the longest MUD I've stayed with, about 4-5 years now. It's great, give a it a shot, you may like it. They're pretty good since they make a business out of it (it's free to join though, it only costs credits if you want some super expensive stuffs) so they do have regular maintenance, upgrades and new developments. I could probaly do a better job promoting it, but I'm a little out of the loop. I'm one of the "old people" now -_-. So... I pop in once in awhile, my house screams in shock that I'm still alive, I check on my children then I leave. Pretty straight forward. I used to be involved in the political intrigues going on, but after so much scheming to aid in the dethroning of terrible rulers, I hung up my scheming hat and settled in to a peaceful MUD life.

Ugh... where's my DS? It's time for some Puzzlequest! Ke ke ke ke!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Aaaaarrrghhh!!!! (Frustration)

My author's notes for Chapter 5: Fallen is the next post down, so skip this if that's what you're looking for!

I think I'm going to blow a head gasket. Diablo 2 absolutely hates my mac, so I'm stuck to playing it on my pc. Which is too bad... I love my mac laptop. I got an Intel MacBook Pro, 17". It's beautiful, I wants to snuggles it!

But... I really wanted to play Diablo2, but I hate feeling cramped behind a desk at my PC. ::sighs:: But... I really want to play, so... wouldn't hurt, would it?

Bleh, might as well install D2 and LOD on the PC now. ::sniffles::

Fallen: Chapter 5 notes (contains spoilers)



I really do wonder how many people saw that the person controlling Diemma was Lanai. I could've made it one of the paladins in Valerius' company, but that seemed so off to work in. They've known him for how long and only now decide to show true evil? Lanai seemed the perfect candidate given how it makes sense. She's not the only survivor because she fled, she's the only survivor because she orchestrated the whole thing using Diemma as key to it.

Diemma was the one she used to do her bidding and put Avellai in a dangerous situation. Whenever Diemma was with Avellai, allowing her to use her, Lanai could eavesdrop and use Diemma to push Avellai closer to her death.

It's kinda sad. I'm still unsure as to write Diemma's dealing with her being somewhat responsible for Avellai's death. Diemma had said she respected Avellai, which was true, but also understated. She very much saw Avellai as a friend and, though Avellai used her, Diemma was happy with it. She wanted to help people, but given her state of mind, she couldn't trust herself to do only that to people, so that's where Avellai came in hand; Diemma no longer had to be around people to help them.

In terms of my writing, sometimes I think that I'm not putting enough variety in my words or technique (if that's what you can call it.) I sometimes flip through a few books in my collection while I'm writing, picking up on authors' different ways of delivery and try to adapt to that for a paragraph or so.

Ah well, I'm starting to wrap up the story. The true enemy is known! Dun dun dun!

The first you've ever read

Do you remember the first lemon or erotic fanfic or whatnot you ever read? I do. I think it's that story is what inspired me to start picking up even romance novels which eventually lead to my writings. The first lemon I ever read was on Sakura Lemon Archive... which is sorely missed. It was written by Vegeta and was called "Beauty is as Fleeting as a Rose."

That fic starred Haohmaru, Charlotte and Genjuro, but the relationship was all between Charlotte and Genjuro. I thought it was well written, and even now I still think it's a beautiful read. I remember reading it and thinking to myself if any man ever loved me or touched me the way that the author had written Genjuro to do so, I'd belong to him always.

I'm straying from my point. That is the story that set everything about my writing in motion to now. I don't think there's any other fanfic that I've read to date that can compare so far. But that's just me. If you ever do find it though, be sure to read it. Sakura Lemon Archive is no longer up and I couldn't find it on , so , I don't have anywhere to find it except for saved on my harddrive.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I'm pro at procrastinating

I don't really feel like writing at the moment. (What do I call this blog though?)
A-hahaha... IRL, I'm preparing for an art show, so things are a bit hectic for me. I'm running around, getting things framed, getting photos reprinted and a whole slew of work. It's tiring.

I had a story idea hit me this morning when I woke up. But let's see how much determination I have when it comes to writing it down. I promised myself I'd finish Fallen before moving to my other stories... and there's A LOT of them.

One of the ideas was about a man, who has entered so many relationships, but happily lets the woman go each time when they find someone else to love. He likes to pride himself that he is sort of a "trainer" for women, to guide them as to prep them for what's out there in the world, what men want, how they can control them, etc. But that's just it. he never enters any relationship expecting to keep the person.

Now, with that in mind, how do I fit that into the DIablo 2 world? The obvious one being an apprentice. I did an apprentice story a long time ago. I hated it. It was badly done, it was silly, it was a one-shot deal.

Still... Yuck. It was written early while I was still learning, so it's pretty bad.

Moving on... do I want this person to be happy in the end? Should he find someone? Should he take a woman to train that he realizes he doesn't want to change, but she ends up changing and leaving him? I read once before that men enter marriage hoping their woman won't change while women enter a marriage hoping that the man will. So in this relationship, should she change, or does he have such difficulties moulding her into the women that has left him before that it affects him?

I'm used to writing happy stories, even though I know the real world isn't like that. Maybe that's why it's fiction...

Anyways, I'll mull over this some more while I'm writing Fallen. I think there's about 4 or so chapters to go. I'm only starting to work on finding the clues behind the mystery and problems.


Holy hell, I'm still awake!

Uhh....ah-hahahaha... not good. This past week I've been up every night until 4 or 5 am and waking up at noon sometimes. Not good at all!

So, I'm now hammering out the end of chapter 4, making notes as what to add as details to the next chapters and trying to ignore this horrible pain from my stomach. It must be close to that time or god is angry at me for writing icky icky smut! :D

I don't really have much to talk about at the moment... ohh, yes I do!

I have a Wii! I've had for about a month now, and I lurve it! ::snuggle snuggle:: No kidding! I only have two games for it so far (poo!) Wii sports and Rayman Raving Rabbids, but I love it. I love being able to move around like a jackass. I've actually hurt my arm playing tennis. :D It's wonderful. I just hope next time I play my niece ducks before I catch her in the eye again with the wiimote. (kidding, I accidentally hit a table and hurt my wrist.)

Speaking of video games... I suppose I should talk about why I've written only fanfics about Diablo 2 so far. The simple answer is: other games are too sacred to me.

Diablo 2 is very open to changes and interaction with set characters that are not neccessarily the main characters. I have no issues with the people who do like to write fanfics of Cloud or Sephiroth or even Yuri, but I am not comfortable with doing it at the moment. Most games to me are wonderful. I often love the plot as it is and don't want to add to it or change a thing, or at least write the changes.

One of the games I am absolutely in love (and scared) with is Resident Evil 4. Leon's hot, what can I say? I liked him even in RE2 when he was still the brave but sometimes clueless cop. Ada and Leon's relationship has always been obvious, and I like that. There's room to play with her mysterious air about her and Leon's very grounded nature, but I don't want to let my imagination get in there.

Is it strange to say I respect a character enough, or the story, that I don't want to touch it?

Another game I won't ever touch is anything in the Zelda series. Just... no. I can't do it. I love Link, but I don't see him as sexual or anything like that. It's just... he's fine, I can stare at him, but as far as I'm concerned, he has no penis to sex anyone with.

It's just... no!

That's my weirdness. Oh well.

... I sound like Diemma. All I need to add in is, "Don't use me!!! Look, a hamster!!"


I should probably say more stuff about me...uhmm...

Age: mid 20s

Sex: I likes it like most women do.

General turn-ons: TWG (tall white guys), a bit of meat on the guys (do not like sticks), good manners, a sense of humour, intelligent geeks, open-mindedness and playfulness.

Fears: Spiders, bees, wasps and sharks. Sharks are bastards!

Music: Malice Mizer, video game OSTs, Vanessa Mae, classical music, and other music that has little to no words.

Video game (series): Castlevania, Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Diablo II, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Samurai Warriors, Katamari Damacy, The Sims

Online games: Achaea, City of Heroes, Second Life (not really a game, but meh)

Animes: Hana Yori Dango, Fushigi Yuugi, Hellsing

Authors: Jacqueline Carey, George R.R. Martin, Claire Delacroix, Christine Feehan, J.K. Rowling

TV shows: Law & Order, Raines, Heroes, The Office, 30 Rock, The Mercer Report

And that's enough for now, gotta post chapter 4!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


There's only been a total of 3 people in my life who know I write: my boyfriend, my best friend and one of my sushi-buddies from my first college year. Each and everyone of them found it amusing. To my boyfriend, it was like having a girlfriend work at a lingerie shop (which I used to btw), so no real complaints from him about my writing. My best friend thought it was funny yet weird, but it was an outlet, so she respected me regardless. And as for my sushi-buddy... he laughed, since he knew that the first few stories I wrote was when I was still a virgin with no real sexual encounters of any kind.

I think what it is about writing is that I have these scenarios in my head, all capable of being fixed together into some kind of story, and they won't leave me alone until I can get it done. It's very much the same with me as art. I have to sit down and finish it soon.

I won't always do romance stuff, but the ones that are is where the most effort goes. I have a feminine touch to stories which won't ever change nor will I want it to since I don't believe myself as capable to do orgies or BDSM, SM, blood or other kind of fetishes. At least not write about it. Everyone has a line they draw as to what I will write about, and that's where I draw mine.

In real life, I am the kinkier one in my relationship. I introduced my boyfriend/lover to bondage, collars, occassional spanking and power games of the like. But, its done mostly to me. I've called him everything to Master, darling, my King. However, though I am submissive to him, he only dominates me because I let him. As Ive said to him before, "I am your Queen, dammit."

I like BDSM but I don't think I could write about it simply because I know not how to form it into words. Plus, it's just a side of me only he will see, so letting other people see how I would really write BDM is giving people an intimate look at what I enjoy or would like... and how I don't see it as a power trip or power game despite how we may play that in bed.

And so now we move on to one of my stories, Fallen.

I like this story so far, honestly. Diemma is hard to write for because her mind has to be all over the place. I get caught up in writing her emotionally one way, then realize I have to switch her in another direction. I do feel bad that her mind's quite off, but the reasoning behind that will be soon I hope.

I honestly hope my writing has gotten better. My weakest point so far has been grammar. I'm quite crap when it comes to staying consistently past tense or not. :S I guess I get a little too creative and forget about the grammar... which is probably why I turned away from going after a computer science degree. Kyahahaha... you should've seen what kinds of code I turned up in just high school. My professor would shake his head, tell me he understood what I'm trying to do, but the computer doesn't, which is the root of the problem.

Oh well. I do hope you guys enjoy Fallen. I like Valerius even if it seems I don't. He's just a good guy torn between rules he thought were black and white. So when he meets Diemma, a pure gray, he has no idea what the hell to do.

Speaking of grey/gray... I still don't know which version I should be saying. I remember my boyfriend said one of his friends were named gray/grey. I asked "Which one?" He said, "I don't know..." When he asked, his friend said, "Grey/gray, as in the colour."

With my twisted logic, I reasoned that it MUST be Grey because G-R-A-Y is G-A-R-Y spelled wrong.

...yes, and I said it with a lot of conviction. He's still shaking his head about that one.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's been 4 years

I'm almost hesitant to start this blog, but I need a place to clear my head. So take this at face value really, and try not to think too much about it. This could very well be the rantings of a mad woman.

Lady Jasmine is my pen name, but also very much my actual name. I am very much in love with the scent and appearance of jasmines. It is the "King of Flowers" yet the idea of a flower being given a masculine title is probably also what gives its relation to me. I'm a bit of a tomboy.... and that itself is probably a bit of an understatement.

The last time I wrote any story at an adult-level was maybe four years ago. I stopped writing after everything I longed for was found in my boyfriend—whom I'm still happily with. I think it's important to mention that majority of what I wrote was in some way inspired by him. I've never written any slash or gore fics because I could never picture myself doing that to him or him to me. And that's really what it boils down to. If I can't see it, I can't write it.

I used to write for the Greyarchive and then just I didn't really like the layout of, plus it's hard to get constructive criticism from that place since reviews are published. Greyarchive was ok for reviews in terms of the numbers of e-mail I got after each chapter publish. My only beef was not knowing how many people read, which is probably why I'm a fan of used to have adult stories, then they changed their policy, so I changed to rewriting all my work as PG-13 romances. Which I quite liked. But now, after three years since I've been there, I've come back to I have no problems with their forums or site admins yet; I pretty much keep to myself as I probably should have with other sites.

Well.... we'll see how this goes.