Saturday, April 21, 2007

Celebratory BLARGH!

New chapter of Fallen is now up, all that remains is one chapter... unless I decide I want to extend the story more... which I can if I feel like being kind to Valerius, but, we'll see.

Do I want Diemma to die? Yes and no.

For yes, the reasons would be to be a bitter-sweet ending and I've never written a story yet where it ends in failure. It would be different, it might be better, we'll see.

For no, I don't like sad or bitter-sweet endings sometimes. Life is like that a lot so is it really neccessary that fiction be that way as well?

Also, I had my final thesis critique last night. It's safe to say that I'll be getting my degree in two months. :) So long as I don't fail my final exam in cultural anthrpology. v_v; I haven't really been studying it at all.

Well, wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have the final chapter (or more than that depending on what ending I choose) up by the first week of May.

Also, it's really depressing when you look at how lazy people are when it comes to reviewing, let alone rating.

Fallen technically only has 1 rating because I passed the URL to a girlfriend who rated it after reading as her way of rooting for me. But, she hated apprenticeship, so she gave it only 3.

So.... Fallen has 1 rating, Apprenticeship has 0 ratings, yet Fallen has 100+ readings. Compare that to my very first story published in 2005, it has 9 ratings, 6 reviews, and almost 6000 hits. I try to make it a point to rate every store I read, and review the ones that have some need of constructive criticisms or obvious praise beyond "Yeah! Good story!"

But, everyone has their own rating/review reasons. Not rating is what I consider to be a contribution to laziness since all it takes is pulling a menu bar down, selecting your rating and hitting the button to submit it. Not that difficult, but then again, not littering isn't difficult at all, and last I checked the streets outside are still rampant with discarded cups, chewing gum and chocolate bar wrappers.

Sad really, but hey, support the authors you read ( and I'm not just talking about me ) because they too could feel one day that no one really gives a damn about the stories they write and just give up. I know I've gone into a 3 month.... even a 3 year hiatus because of it.

Also support the writers you think that are lacking the technical skill or development, etc. With just the right push and useful criticism, they could get better.


Anonymous said...

I've frequently been remiss in commenting on stories I like, but occasionally I do come around to posting a response, and now's one of those times. I found Longing quite a while back on, and have been a fan since. I was quite pleased to see you had stories on AFF. I've read each of your Diablo 2 stories there, and I quite like your writing. The extra buildup makes the smut more meaningful, which is nice.

Longing was my favorite of yours for a while, though it is pocked by some grammar and spelling errors, and was a bit confusing in spots when I first found it. The version on AFF is missing a good chunk of the last chapter, by the way, along with a number of formating hiccups. Might want to check that out.

Visions, I have to say, I don't care much for. I can't really put my finger on why, but it just seems off somehow. Probably just me being weird. The technical issues from Longing still exist, but seem much improved, in my recollection. It's been a while since I read it.

I can't say much about Apprenticeship. It's strange, and I couldn't really stick with it too much. *shrug*

Fallen, I discovered only recently, and I have to say, it's amazing. The problems of your older writing are gone, with smooth reading and nary a hint of confusion for me. And the story is great stuff. Just great. Then again, I've got this thing for redemption stories, so maybe I'm a bit biased. Still love it. Glad you brought Diemma back, I was worried about her for a little while.

So there you go. My feedback comes once in a blue moon, but it comes in large chunks. I hope you check this, as it doesn't seem that there are many comments on your blog.

Oh, and if you do read this, I really liked the scene between Avery and Krysta, and not for the bondage. If you're looking for ideas, something in that vein would be interesting. The again, you've said your work is inspired by your boyfriend, so that may be just a hopeless fancy on my part.

On second thought, write what you want to. I've got a hard enough time making myself write what I want written, without trying to make someone else do it for me. Good luck, and thanks for all the words.

Lady Jasmine said...

Thank you for your comment, I do appreciate it.

Yes, my grammar and english was quite terrible (and still is.) Such is the problem with being raised by parents with English being their second language. *sigh* But, I'm still working on it by reading a lot and applying what sentence structures I've seen to my own habits.

Plus, Longing and Visions (as well as Apprenticeship) was written around the time I started college and was... well... about six years ago. As much as I'd like to believe I've done well back then, that's unlikely considering I can remember mistakes I've done yesterday. *grin*

I could go back and fix them for the sake of updating crap work, but I think it would be in my best interest to not look back and keep on forging ahead—not just with writing, but everything. :)

The Avery & Krysta thing was a planned story for the future in the series, but it kind of got derailed. A-ha. And I included their scene to appease several people on the place I first wrote for—the greyarchive—who had been e-mailing me if I could do one. I caved and did so, but got good response for it.

However, given that I have never physically been with a woman, majority of what I write for those scenes are based on imagination and I find myself hesitant to write based on whether it is true enough.

Again, thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it very much.